Bill Barrows
Bill Barrows from Mount Gambier.

Bill Barrows was born 21 / 09 / 1947, Height was 5′ 9″ and Weighed 12 stone in 1979. Bill Barrows began his Speedway career in 1968 in a Stock Rod at the age of 21. In 1970 he built a V.W. Rod, then a with Toyota Corolla body began setting track records. Bill Barrows then built a Toyota Celica bodied unit before purchased a Super Modified racing both. It was in the 1973 season Bill purchased his first Super Modified. IN the 1974 / 75 season Bill Barrows along with good friend David Vears ) started competing at Rowley Park Speedway and competed at the Australian Super Modified Title at Bunbury (W.A.). In the 1975 / 76 season Bill Barrows was the suprise package, being the sensation of Speedway Racing in South Australia racing at every meeting at Rowley Park Speedway. Bill won 3 major awards at the R.D.A. ( Racing Drivers Association ) Ball…. “Driver of the year”, “Speedway Sportsman of the year” and “Best and Fairest”. Bill Barrows went on being a true Champion winning events likes of the S. E. Title at Mount Gambier and the following night the Easter Classic at Warrnambool. In the ex- Jimmy Sills Car Bill Barrows won the Queens Cup meeting at Bendigo and went on winning several features at Speedway Park.