George Tatnell
George Tatnell was one of the great showmen of Australian Speedway died in May 2007 aged 68 (28 / 04 / 1939 – 13 / 05 / 2007 )…. George was a great character on the Speedway circuits around Australia. George Tatnell was outspoken,ruthless and cheeky doing stuff like ramming a cream pie into Kym Bonythons face at Rowley Park Speedway and getting into a public brawl during a riot in 1967…. George Tatnell raced Stock Cars, Super Modifieds, Sprintcars and Speedcars, winning many Speedway Titles around Australia including the Australian Speedcar Titles in 1977 and The Australian Sprintcar Titles at Speedway City in 1988…. He was sent off by greats likes of Kym Bonython, Garry Rush, Ron Wanless, Peter Boland, Sid Middlemass, Bobby Tunks, Ken Jenkins and more.
“Gorgeous” George Tatnell will be sadly missed around Australian Speedway Tracks