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Graham Graham wrote on December 16, 2008 at 10:15 pm
Hi there. Great site,I can almost smell the wonderful aroma of Rowley Park in the 50's. Reading the info on the past announcers over the time the great venue entertained us,there is one name missing from those mentioned who came before the O'conners,Kelvins and Sabines and that was the late Mel Cameron from radio station 5DN. My recolections of Mel Cameron extend back to the 50's and his manner on the mike made all who were there feel like they were part of the speedway itself. Not only did he keep every one up to date on all the happenings of the racing but always gave great commentary on the other events like the annual fireworks display. I could prattle on for ages about 'the Park' .Keep up the good work on this wonderful sight. Thanks for the memories.
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